Important Information
Membership and Fees
All players must fill in the Dysynni membership form below to become a member of the club. Players also need Hoci Cymru membership to be covered by insurance and play games. The club will not charge a membership fee this year.
We are concerned that for some people, hockey may be one cost too many and as a result this may be a barrier to participation. If this is the case for you then please get in contact with Lynda (Treasurer and Coach) so we can help. It is of course confidential, as we know this can be quite sensitive. No one in our community should miss hockey opportunities and at Dysynni HC we are one big family whereby we look after each other. Please don’t be shy just ask and we will help if and where we can. There is also financial assistance available from the Friends of Welsh Hockey, Robin Memorial Trust and The Dr Daniel Williams Fund.
Invoices for training fees and matches are sent out generally for 10 week blocks.
Training fees: See the Calendar and Sessions page for training fees for each session.
Match fees: £5 per player home or away. Drivers of cars carrying more than one playing passengers will receive a payment towards petrol (up to 4 cars max).
Safety at Training and Matches
Dysynni Hockey Club recognises that there is an inherent danger in playing and training within the sport. All players are expected to adhere to the following whilst playing, training and warming-up:
To be mindful of other players' safety
To wear appropriate personal protection
To be attentive to coaches' direction
Set an example to younger players with regard to behaviour and language
Players must take personal responsibility in avoiding unnecessary danger to themselves and others including non-players
Informal shooting practice should be carried out away from the gate entrance, facing toward the school field
First Aid and Defibrillators
First aid kits are taken to every match and training session. If a player becomes unwell or injured at a sessions, they should let the coach or captain know. The coaches and some players are first aid trained.
The club also has a defibrillator (AED). The defibrillator will be in "the shed" for home matches and training, and taken with teams for away matches. In the event of a clash, the defibrillator will go to the event with the most players. A sign similar to that on the left will show on the door of the shed if the defibrillator is there. Otherwise there is one in the leisure centre.
Dysynni Code of Conduct
As a playing member of DHC, you are expected to conduct yourself in line with the guidelines set out below:
Have fun
Learn and play within the rules of hockey
Play hockey with integrity, passion and commitment
Take personal responsibility for your own actions
Be a good sport: win with modesty and lose with dignity. Applaud good play from both teams
Promote DHC in a positive light at all time
Regularly attend and work hard at training sessions
Inform the person in charge of your session if you need to leave early
Members must wear suitable kit for training sessions. Shin pads are mandatory within the club for both training and matches. Gumshields are strongly recommended
Members have a responsibility to look presentable, and ensure playing uniform is in line with that agreed by the Committee
Members should keep to agreed timings for training sessions or inform their coach or team captain/manager if they are going to be late or are unable to participate
Keep captains informed of your availability for matches. If for any reason you become unavailable - inform you captain as early as possible
Don't ignore aches and pains - if you are injured, or think you are, then tell your captain (the earlier in the week the better)
Arrive at the game early enough to warm up properly - a good warm up and cool down at the session could prevent injury
Treat everyone (including the opposing team) as you would expect to be treated yourself, both on and off the pitch
DHC expects umpires to be treated with respect before, during and after the game. Any players arguing with an umpire may be referred to the committee
At the end of the game shake hands with your opponents and give three cheers. Thank the umpires and your captain
Encourage participants to value their performance and not just results - don't criticise or remonstrate with your team mates - every player has "off days"
Pay any fees by the set date
Make new members feel welcome
Help foster a club environment that encourages creativity through teamwork
Be dedicated to diversity, fair treatment, mutual respect and trust within your team and the club
Have fun