Important Information

Membership and Fees

All players must fill in the Dysynni membership form below to become a member of the club. Players also need Hoci Cymru membership to be covered by insurance and play games. The club will not charge a membership fee this year.

We are concerned that for some people, hockey may be one cost too many and as a result this may be a barrier to participation. If this is the case for you then please get in contact with Lynda (Treasurer and Coach) so we can help. It is of course confidential, as we know this can be quite sensitive. No one in our community should miss hockey opportunities and at Dysynni HC we are one big family whereby we look after each other. Please don’t be shy just ask and we will help if and where we can. There is also financial assistance available from the Friends of Welsh Hockey, Robin Memorial Trust and The Dr Daniel Williams Fund.

Invoices for training fees and matches are sent out generally for 10 week blocks.

Training fees: See the Calendar and Sessions page for training fees for each session.

Match fees: £5 per player home or away. Drivers of cars carrying more than one playing passengers will receive a payment towards petrol (up to 4 cars max).

Safety at Training and Matches

Dysynni Hockey Club recognises that there is an inherent danger in playing and training within the sport. All players are expected to adhere to the following whilst playing, training and warming-up:

First Aid and Defibrillators

First aid kits are taken to every match and training session. If a player becomes unwell or injured at a sessions, they should let the coach or captain know. The coaches and some players are first aid trained. 

The club also has a defibrillator (AED). The defibrillator will be in "the shed" for home matches and training, and taken with teams for away matches. In the event of a clash, the defibrillator will go to the event with the most players. A sign similar to that on the left will show on the door of the shed if the defibrillator is there. Otherwise there is one in the leisure centre.

Dysynni Code of Conduct

As a playing member of DHC, you are expected to conduct yourself in line with the guidelines set out below:

📄 Club Constitution

📄 Privacy Policy