Club Shop

The club shop is currently closed, please look out for updates in due course. Custom Dysynni mouthguards can be purchased here. We have a stock of socks that can be bought at any time.


When is the shop open?

The shop tends to open at the start of every season, keep a look out for messages on Whatsapp and the Facebook group for more information.

What kit do I (or does my child) need to play?

For training, players just need to be dressed appropriately for exercise and the weather.

For tournaments and matches, players need a Dysynni shirt, shorts or skort and socks from the catalogue above. These can be borrowed from the club if you haven't got kit in time for a match.

Players will also need a hockey stick and shinpads, with a gum shield being highly recommended.

What is my shirt number?

If you haven't ordered kit before, a shirt number will be assigned to you after you order. This number will remain yours for as long as you are a member of the club.